image of colorful school supplies with text of GRAIS updates, January 28, 2024

Dear Intermediate School Families,

We had a nice week here at GRAIS last week.  The students have worked hard on their winter assessments in math and reading, and we are seeing some wonderful growth from the fall!

Please be reminded that Friday, the 2nd is an early dismissal at 11:30 a.m.

A Note from the Music Room:

Our fifth grade students are working on their music of the 20th century unit and are currently dancing "The Twist" in the early 1960s and "The Hustle" from the 1970s.  Fourth graders are finishing up "Safe and Sound" on our bucket drums. Both grades have been studying Beethoven.  This week, we made memes for Beethoven's 9th Symphony.   Spring chorus permission slips will be going out starting on February 12th for both grades, so keep an eye out for those!

The Action in the Gymnasium:

In class, students finished up their  whole school fitness unit for the winter months. They were challenged in four major categories of physical fitness: cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility.  Ask about your child’s goals and where your child hopes to see improvement the most when we try it again at the end of the year!  

This also was a great lead into our nutrition component of class as Brooke from the American Heart Association will be joining all classes at lunch on Wednesday, January 31st to talk about keeping our hearts and brains healthy.  We are hoping to raise funds to help children with special hearts with our annual jump-a-thon, as well as get some resources for our school!  Be on the lookout for information coming home at the end of the month.

A Word from the Library:

Library classes have been focusing on learning the applications in Google Suite.  Besides practicing touch typing, students used Google Docs to write responses to stories we read in class and discussed how our work is saved and organized in Google Drive.  Presently, students are creating Google Slides to present topics to their classmates.  Students will later be learning  how to use Google Sheets and Forms.  These tools are very useful, they teach problem solving, use creativity, and facilitate collaboration, all of which will be important as students prepare for middle and high school, and beyond. 

A Picture of Art Class:

Fifth graders are finishing up their “I am” collages this week. Students browsed and found images in magazines, cut, arranged, and glued them to create an interesting background. The focal point of the artwork were positive character traits that students chose to describe themselves.  Students were encouraged to think of positive traits they possess, write them down, then arrange and glue them. This collage was a way for students to experience collage art, hone fine motor skills, while reflecting on who they are and all the unique facets that make them amazing individuals.  We look forward to our fourth graders doing this project next year.

Artwork from students in both grades will be on display on March 21st at our games event.

Math and ELA Games Event:

WHEN: Thursday, March 21th, 2024

TIME: 5:45 pm - 7:15 pm


WHO: Grades 4 & 5 GRAIS Students and their Caring Adults at Home

Please complete this Google form so we may plan to have enough supplies and door prizes.

Campus Programs Swim Opportunity:


Stay tuned for information and volunteer/donation opportunities as we get closer to the following upcoming events below.  Reach out to the board at  Our next Zoom meeting is at 7 p.m. on March 19th.

  • February 14th:  Sweets & Treats Staff Appreciation

  • March 22nd from 6 - 8 p.m.:  Mardi GRAIS Spring Social

  • April 29th-May 3rd:  Buy One/Get One Book Fair

Spring MCAS Dates:

Grade Five ELA MCAS – April 2nd & 3rd

Grade Four ELA MCAS – April 4th & 5th

Grade Five Math MCAS – May 13th & 14th

Grade Four Math MCAS – May 15th & 16th

Grade Five Science MCAS – May 20th & 21st

Dates to Remember:

Early Dismissal at 11:30 a.m. – February 2nd

February Break – 19th through the 23rd

No School – March 5th

ELA/Math Games Event  – March 21st at 5:45 - 7:15 p.m.

PTO’s Mardi GRAIS Drop-off Evening Social – March 22nd from 6 - 8 p.m.

Spring Picture Day – March 27th

Early Dismissal at 11:30 a.m. – April 1st

No School – April 12th

Spring Vacation –  April 15th  through the 19th

Scholastic Book Fair –  April 29th through May 3rd

No School – May 27th

Nature’s Classroom- June 4th - 7th 

Survivor Day – June 14th

Anticipated Last Day of School – June 18th 


Dr. Sullivan

508.923.3506 X3150