image of orange dahlias against a white background with text of FLMS updates, September 24, 2023

Congratulations! We applaud the following students for their outstanding achievements and recognition from their teachers.

C.A.R.E. Award Winners

Vivian Chainay - Resilience

Piper Bowman - Respect, Responsibility & Resilience

Connor Rocharz - Respect & Responsibility

Max Corbett - Respect & Responsibility

Seamus Erwin - Respect & Responsibility

Alex Mak - Respect & Responsibility

School Club Update

  • It is time for the first Yearbook sale of the year!  Act now to get yours at the lowest price of the year. You can pick up an order form at the Main Office or from your advisory teacher.  Contact Mr. Boissoneau or Mrs. George with any questions.

School Sports Update

  • Congratulations to the FLMS Boys and Girls Soccer Teams for their efforts this week.  The boys went 1-1 with a win over Norton on Tuesday.  Meanwhile the girls were also victorious over Norton and played to a tie with Bridgewater  Great work teams!

Chromebook Registration and Insurance - 

  • If you haven’t already done so, please use the link below to sign the required FLRSD Chromebook User Agreement and to opt in or out of district insurance.

Student Agenda Site Reminder: In an effort to facilitate communication between parents and teachers, we have created a digital agenda site for student assignments.  Parents, you will be able to keep track of the work that your student is expected to complete on a daily basis.  Assignments are updated daily by the teachers and you will also be able to access assignments from past weeks in the archived section.  The link is: Student Agenda Site


Grade Releases:

1.2 on 09/29

1.3 on 10/13

1.4 on 10/27

Qtr. 1 Grades Close on 11/09 

Qtr. 1 Report Cards Posted on 11/16

Campus Programs

Use this link to see what programs are currently available!

Extended Programs

Use this link to see the upcoming After the Bell programs available!

**Please note that this message can also be found in the weekly Superintendent’s Sunday Message.**

The information from the FLMS weekly message can be found in the Sunday Message from the superintendents’ office as well.  Mr. Strauss requests that you follow the district on Twitter @FLRSDsuper and on Instagram @FLRSDsuper, if you wish.