image of a pile of fall leaves with a foggy pond in the background

What a great week we have had here at AES!  We would like to give a HUGE shoutout to our local Fire Station as the kindergarteners had their annual field trip and a few of the fire fighters then came to Assawompset and held fire safety assemblies to grades 1, 2 and 3.  We look forward to this each year.  Thank you Lakeville Fire!  

October 18th - UNITY day - Wear Orange

October 24th - Picture Day

October 29th - Trunk or Treat at AES 3:00 - 5:00

November 7th - PD day for kids 

November 8th - AES OPEN HOUSE 5:00 - 7:00

November 10th - Veteran Day - No School

Besides October being the month of pumpkins, hayrides and apple cider, it is also National Bullying Prevention Month focuses on clarifying bullying behaviors and emphasizing kindness and respect to all.  The term bullying is used frequently, and at times, incorrectly to describe student altercations.  The definition of bullying as stated by is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.”  While our goal is to keep all children safe, we also do not want to label children incorrectly.  It is important that children learn the difference between accidental behaviors that are rude, intentional, one time behaviors that are mean and deliberate, targeted and ongoing behaviors that are truly bullying behaviors.  Please remember that if you have any concerns regarding your child’s safety, it is important to contact your child’s teacher, counselor or principal so the school staff can assist in resolving those concerns.  

October 18, 2023 

is Unity Day, a time to unite for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. Assawompset will support this cause and is encouraging all students and staff to WEAR ORANGE.  We will begin our day with a school wide ceremony around the topic.  


 Holidays are right around the corner and can be stressful.  Take some time to relax and enjoy this  

 special time of year with your family.  Please check out the extensive fall events at below!


STEM Week is Coming:

We are super excited for our stem week coming up the week of October 16th.  Rube Goldberg will be our inspiration as we create marble runs in each classroom!  



Kindergarten students completed the frames for their “Only One You” fish.

Grade one students learned about MOSAICS!

Grade two students completed their dinosaur collages.

Grade three students began some amazing self-portraits.


K: This week we worked on using unpitched percussion instruments to sound out our birthday months! We also worked on learning a song for our Veterans Day assembly.

1st: The first graders worked on their Veterans day song for our assembly which will be held in Nov.

2nd: The second graders worked on  Veterans day song for our assembly which will be held in Nov and we also continued working on our compositions projects. 

3rd: The third graders will be presenting their Winter performance on Wednesday, December 13, 2023 @ 10:00am in the AES gymnasium! 


We are getting ready for STEM week next week! All grade levels are learning about Rube Goldberg and Rube Goldberg machines. Some classes were able to build some simple machines to creatively perform a routine task. Next week, all classes will have the opportunity to build these machines in the library. What a fun few weeks!


In grades 1-3 we are working in stations to prepare for soccer games next week.

Station 1 - partner passing 

Station 2 - goals and goalies 

Station 3 - monkey in the middle 

Station 4 - snake dribbling 

Station 5 - soccer bowling 

In kindergarten students are playing soccer tag and taking a soccer “driving test”


What an exciting week we had in Kindergarten! Each class visited the Lakeville Fire Station to learn about fire safety. Students were able to meet firefighters, see the fire trucks and ambulance, practice Stop, Drop and Roll and even use the fire hose! We had so much fun! 

This week, we are discussing how to get along with new friends and read the story What About Bear? We are working to make connections to our topic by discussing ways to play and meet new friends in our classes and school. We practiced reading the sight word “the” and began to read simple sentences using the words we have learned. We learned the letters Aa and Gg and are working hard to identify beginning sounds. In math, students are practicing accurate counting and number formation. We were the first grade in the entire school to reach 10% completion of our ST Math journey! Go Kindergarten!

Our kindergarteners experienced their first pep rally for the upcoming Fun Run this week as well. During our pep rally, students learned about the different ways we can earn money to help our school. Flyers went home this week to provide more information! What a great week to be a Kindergartener!


What a great week in first grade! The students enjoyed their visit from the Lakeville Fire Department on Tuesday to review fire safety. This week we are reading realistic fiction and informational text about what kids do during their school day. We are making connections to these texts by discussing what we do during our days at Assawompset. In math students are continuing to work on concepts and strategies of addition and subtraction. 

First grade is also very excited about the upcoming Fun Run! During our pep rally on Wednesday, we learned about all the ways we can earn money to help our school. Flyers went home this week with students with more information. 


The second graders are having a great week! The students are making excellent progress in the ST Math challenge.  During a Fun Run Pep Rally on Wednesday, the students became very excited about the Fun Run event and the prizes for this year.  We are wrapping up week four in the Wonders Reading program as we continue to think about how friends depend on each other. Next week is Stem Week.  The students are gathering materials and sketching out ideas in preparation for creating an amazing simple machine.


We had an exciting week in third grade! We learned about fire safety from the Lakeville Fire Department and participated in a Pep Rally for the Fun Run! In math, students learned their 2’s multiplication facts and continued to examine the relationship between multiplication and division. In reading, students explored the importance of national parks and monuments in our country. We are beginning to write about how these important landmarks can answer questions about our nation’s history. We can’t wait for STEM Week next week!

Thank you and have a great day!

Bethany Pineault, Principal