image of the date March 05 in blue blocks with text of AES updates

We have had a great week back to school after our winter break!  We would like to give a HUGE thank you for your donations to support our local food pantry in Freetown.  This food pantry provides food to the communities of Freetown and Lakeville and the amount of items collected was truly overwhelming!  Due to the success of the drive, We will be holding another food drive the week prior to the April break!  More information to come.


Upcoming Dates:

March 10 - Spring Pictures

March 14 - PTO meeting 7:00 p.m. - School Cafeteria 

March 22 - Report Cards Posted for term 2

MCAS Dates

Grade 3 Only

Math - May 17 and 18

ELA - April 11 and 12

A look into our classrooms:


Kindergarten students read Pete's a Pizza. We created pizzas by carefully cutting shapes.

First graders are getting ready for tie-dye shirts next week. We used oil pastel and watercolor to create some tie dye designs.

Second graders are practicing colored pencil methods by making value scales.

Third graders are doing mannequin drawings from observation.


K: This week we worked on musical form and even took out the parachute! 

1st: We were hard at work again this week preparing for our big Grandparents Day performance, which will  be held on Wednesday, April 5, 2023 @ 10:00am in the AES gymnasium. 

2nd: Mark your calendars….the 2nd grade performance will be held on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 @ 10:00am. 

3rd: Third graders are working on musical form using the parachute to show the different movements. We also had time to play a rhythm game. 


To celebrate Read Across America Week, all of our students are participating in March Book Madness! In March Book Madness, each grade level will listen to several book pairs and vote for their favorite. Our March Book Madness begins with 16 books and this week is round one. Next week, we will announce the books that made it to the Elite Eight! Please click on the link to see our March Book Madness bracket.


This week in PE we are playing a game called ¨Protect the Pin¨. In this game students work in teams of 3 or 4 to knock down another player's pin. In this game we are practicing passing and catching skills as well as teamwork and game strategy. This mini one week unit will help us prepare for our basketball unit that begins next week. 


Another great week in Kindergarten!  In Wonders we discussed how living change as they grow.  We read A Grand Old Tree by Mary Newell Depalma, which told us how a tree can be a home to many animals, can bear fruit, can sow seeds, and can change as it grows older.  We also talked about how we change as we grow older and how other plants and animals change too.  We learned about pronouns and how they can take the place of a noun, so we practiced using pronouns in our discussions and in our writing.

In math we are beginning to learn about place value by understanding teen numbers as a group of ten and some ones.  We are counting objects up to 20 by first making a group of ten and then counting the ones to match to a teen number. 

The students loved the snow and many of them had wonderful stories to tell about playing in the snow, making snowmen and going sledding on their day off from school.

Grade 1

This week in Wonders, students discussed how animals can help other animals. We read a variety of texts in varying genres to explore this topic. The students also worked on writing about their February breaks this week!

In phonics, we introduced the concept of open and closed syllables this week. We also learned the vowel teams ai, ay, ea, ee, and ey.  

In math, we are continuing to practice math facts as well as reviewing previously taught skills. We also spent some time this week reviewing President’s Day.

Grade 2

Second Grade started a new unit on Monday in Wonders. This week we are exploring the essential question, “How can people help out in their communities?” We read about people in Tucson, Arizona that brought color to their community by painting a large mural. We are reading a nonfiction text about how Debby is helping her community by helping people purchase solar panels. 

In math, second grade has started working on two digit subtraction without regrouping. We are working on remembering to start in the ones place every time when students subtract. 

On Friday, students experienced their very own book tasting! Students got to participate in a grade level exploration of different genres such as: mystery, biography, nonfiction, fiction, etc. Students brought home their book tasting menu as well! 

Grade 3

We certainly had a brief re-entry to school after vacation; we hope everyone enjoyed some snowy shenanigans with their kids. 

In math we are wrapping up telling time to the nearest minute, and calculating elapsed time. Next up is liquid volume, a fun topic to explore with your kids at home. Point out the volume on labels: water; soup cans; juice. Mass/weight will be after that, and the same ideas apply. Point out how often we see and use mass in daily life.

In reading we are nearing the end of Unit 3, working on opinion/persuasive writing which is anchored by research to support the opinions expressed. We have also read some folk tales and trickster tales.

Nurse’s Nook

 Celebrate National Nutrition Month

Explore ways to experience new foods and try something new at home.

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Follow us on instagram @FLRSDsuper

Thank you!  Have a great weekend.  

Bethany Pineault
